Made possible by the generosity of J&W Murphy Foundation

Sound Minds Named Grant is aimed at promoting the mental health, wellness, and resilience of Nova Scotia artists. In partnership with the East Coast Music Association, this 3-year program will support the mental health of music industry professionals. The first phase of the mental wellness program will focus on one-on-one counselling, addiction support and recovery, mental health literacy, and peer support.

The East Coast Music Association has been working to improve the mental health of its members since publishing the ECMA Mental Health Survey in 2018. The survey shows music industry workers experience disproportionately higher rates of mental illness with 20% of respondents experiencing suicidal ideation- a rate six times greater than the national average. Additionally, music professionals are often self-employed and do not have access to adequate mental health support.

As the program continues to develop, it’s hoped Sound Minds will act as a pilot project and guide for use in the greater creative arts community. ECMA members have also expressed interest in fundraising to help sustain Sound Minds beyond the initial three years.


Sound Minds- phase 1

The first phase of Sound Minds will run from 2022-2025 and focus on three main areas of support:

  • Mental Health One-on-Ones

ECMA members can self-refer for a mental health needs assessment. This session will be tailored to the unique needs of the individual and will provide several practical and accessible suggestions for support. One-on-one counselling sessions will be offered as an avenue for support and can be provided within the program. Individuals may also be referred to other programs and clinicians to ensure they receive support that best suits their individual needs. 

  • Addictions Support & Recovery

A Self-Management and Recovery Training or SMART Recovery Weekly Drop-in will be provided for individuals living with addiction or concerned about their alcohol or drug use. This evidence-based programming will educate artists on coping skills and techniques with an emphasis on present-moment thinking. These free, mutual support meetings will help artists shed self-destructive behaviours to lead healthier, more constructive, and more satisfying lives. Once participants are thriving and free of addictive behavior, they will be encouraged to become a volunteer and provide ongoing support to the community.

  • Support Groups & mental health literacy

Mental health literacy workshops will help meet wellness needs as identified by artists including nutrition and mental health, mindfulness, financial literacy, Mental Health First Aid, and culturally specific programming for Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, and 2SLGBTQIA+ members. A Dialectical Behaviour Therapy or DBT Drop-In will be established to support artists who are having difficulty regulating thoughts, emotions, and behaviour. Sessions will focus on mindfulness, interpersonal relationship skills, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance.